This private garden in Rotterdam, the Netherlands engages the senses with texture, material, shape, scent, and color.

This private garden in Rotterdam, the Netherlands engages the senses with texture, material, shape, scent, and color.

Good gardens appeal to all of our senses of smell, touch, sound, and sight.  And they do so at the lower, middle, and upper levels, continuously drawing our eyes from the ground to the sky and back.  Photographs can start to convey the visual richness in terms of color, tone, shadow.  But being in a garden space is about the sounds of leaves rustling, birds singing, water, crushed stone under foot...  It's about the feeling we get by touching shiny, soft, and sharp  leaves, and of a breeze blowing past our skin.  It's about the smells of boxwood, moist earth, and of course flowers.  You get the idea: the more senses engaged, the better.

Check out the posts below to see how other gardens engage the senses.